Saturday, 19 March 2016

What's wrong with Euron Greyjoy? (Last episode)

Here is the third and last episode of What's wrong with Euron Greyjoy? If you want to know, how we see Euron's actual plan unfold, look no further!

Special thanks - as usual - to Sir-Heartsalot for his great artwork!

Saturday, 5 March 2016

The real Varys

Broadly speaking, there are two camps: Those who believe when he says that he supports Aegon Taragryen, sixth of his name, and those who think his protégé, Young Griff, is not really who he claims to be, but rather some kind of Blackfyre spawn. That's all well and good, but it is not the whole story.

No matter which of these two camps you are in, the last we see of Lord Varys in the epilogue of A Dance with Dragons raises two questions that need to be answered, if we are to from a valid opinion on the eunuch. I try to give answers to these questions in the video below.

Special thanks, as usual, go to Sir-Heartsalot for his incredible artwork, especially, this time, for his fitting and also hilarious version of Varys that you can see below in all its untinkered with glory.

Varys the Spider by Sir-Heartsalot