Saturday, 23 January 2016

House Teasers for Season Six out

HBO has given fans another minute or so of actual material to get all crazy about. Here it is (in three pieces):

The idea seems to be that all three houses or dynasties, we could say, are in peril. Of course, the parallels between the three houses are not as huge as one would think from simply watching the three little trailers. House Stark is basically destroyed. It only lives on in hiding and through Jon who can't really be of House Stark anymore as a Lord Commander. House Targaryen has been gathering power, but Dany (as the only official member of the house in the show at this point) is in danger right now. House Lannister, however, still controls the Iron Throne, even if King Tommen is officially a Baratheon. The parallel doesn't go much deeper than: "All three houses are in bad shape."

What I find most interesting here is that the three teasers don't seem to lead up to a fight between any of these three houses that the showrunners seem to consider the most important ones at this point. Jon will face House Bolton, seemingly led by Ramsay Bolton, who seems to be an ally of the crown only in name, really. Dany will seemingly face Dothraki, slavers an probably krakens, while House Lannister will have to deal with the Faith and House Tyrell. I am curious of how the show will try to not let these three story arcs diverge even further. Will they be able to show that this is still one epic story?

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